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AD9523 Datasheet(PDF) 22 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9523 Datasheet(HTML) 22 Page - Analog Devices |
22 / 60 page AD9523 Data Sheet Rev. D | Page 22 of 60 COMPONENT BLOCKS—OUTPUT PLL (PLL2) PLL2 General Description The output PLL (referred to as PLL2) consists of an optional input reference doubler, phase/frequency detector (PFD), a partially integrated analog loop filter (see Figure 25), an integrated voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), and a feedback divider. The VCO produces a nominal 3.8 GHz signal with an output divider that is capable of division ratios of 4 to 11. The PFD of the output PLL drives a charge pump that increases, decreases, or holds constant the charge stored on the loop filter capacitors (both internal and external). The stored charge results in a voltage that sets the output frequency of the VCO. The feedback loop of the PLL causes the VCO control voltage to vary in a way that phase locks the PFD input signals. The gain of PLL2 is proportional to the current delivered by the charge pump. The loop filter bandwidth is chosen to reduce noise contributions from PLL sources that could degrade phase noise requirements. The output PLL has a VCO with multiple bands spanning a range of 3.6 GHz to 4.0 GHz. However, the actual operating frequency within a particular band depends on the control voltage that appears on the loop filter capacitor. The control voltage causes the VCO output frequency to vary linearly within the selected band. This frequency variability allows the control loop of the output PLL to synchronize the VCO output signal with the reference signal applied to the PFD. Typically, the device automatically selects the appropriate band as part of its calibration process (invoked via the VCO control register at Address 0x0F3). The VCO is designed to operate over temperature extremes including when the VCO is calibrated at one temperature extreme and operated within another. Input 2× Frequency Multiplier The 2× frequency multiplier provides the option to double the frequency at the PLL2 input. This allows the user to take advantage of a higher frequency at the input to the PLL (PFD) and, thus, allows for reduced in-band phase noise and greater separation between the frequency generated by the PLL and the modulation spur associated with PFD. However, increased reference spur separation results in harmonic spurs introduced by the frequency multiplier that increase as the duty cycle deviates from 50% at the OSC_IN inputs. Therefore, beneficial use of the frequency multiplier is application-specific. Typically, a VCXO with proper interfacing has a duty cycle that is approximately 50% at the OSC_IN inputs. Note that the maximum output frequency of the 2× frequency multipliers must not exceed the maximum PFD rate that is specified in Table 12. PLL2 Feedback Divider PLL2 has a feedback divider (N divider) that enables it to provide integer frequency up-conversion. The PLL2 N divider is a combination of a prescaler (P) and two counters, A and B. The total divider value is N = (P × B) + A where P = 4. The feedback divider is a dual modulus prescaler architecture, with a nonprogrammable P that is equal to 4. The value of the B counter can be from 4 to 63, and the value of the A counter can be from 0 to 3. However, due to the architecture of the divider, there are constraints, as listed in Table 46. N DIVIDER TO DIST/ RESYNC ×2 PLL1_OUT LDO LDO PLL_1.8V LDO_PLL2 VDD3_PLL2 LDO_VCO DIVIDE BY 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 DIVIDE BY 4, 5, 6, ...11 DIVIDE-BY-4 PRESCALER A/B COUNTERS CHARGE PUMP 8 BITS, 3.5µA LSB PFD RZERO RPOLE2 CPOLE1 CPOLE2 LF2_EXT_CAP AD9523 Figure 25. Output PLL (PLL2) Block Diagram |
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