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AD9523 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - Analog Devices |
AD9523 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - Analog Devices |
5 / 60 page Data Sheet AD9523 Rev. D | Page 5 of 60 POWER DISSIPATION Table 3. Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments POWER DISSIPATION Does not include power dissipated in termination resistors Typical Configuration 876 970 mW Clock distribution outputs running as follows: seven LVPECL outputs at 122.88 MHz, three LVDS outputs (3.5 mA) at 61.44 MHz, three LVDS outputs (3.5 mA) at 245.76 MHz, one CMOS 10 pF load at 122.88 MHz, and one differential input reference at 30.72 MHz; fVCXO = 122.88 MHz, fVCO = 3932.16 MHz; PLL2 BW = 530 kHz, doubler is off PD, Power-Down 101 132.2 mW PD pin pulled low, with typical configuration conditions INCREMENTAL POWER DISSIPATION Low Power Typical Configuration 389 450 mW Absolute total power with clock distribution; one LVPECL output running at 122.88 MHz; one differential input reference at 30.72 MHz; fVCXO = 122.88 MHz, fVCO = 3932.16 MHz; doubler is off Output Distribution, Driver On Incremental power increase (OUT1) from low power typical LVDS 15.3 18.4 mW Single 3.5 mA LVDS output at 245.76 MHz 47.8 55.4 mW Single 7 mA LVDS output at 61.44 MHz LVPECL 50.1 54.9 mW Single LVPECL output at 122.88 MHz HSTL 40.2 46.3 mW Single 8 mA HSTL output at 122.88 MHz 43.7 50.3 mW Single 16 mA HSTL output at 122.88 MHz CMOS 6.6 7.9 mW Single 3.3 V CMOS output at 15.36 MHz 9.9 11.9 mW Dual complementary 3.3 V CMOS output at 122.88 MHz 9.9 11.9 mW Dual in-phase 3.3 V CMOS output at 122.88 MHz REFA, REFA, REFB, REFB, OSC_IN, OSC_IN, AND ZD_IN, ZD_IN INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Table 4. Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments DIFFERENTIAL MODE Input Frequency Range 400 MHz Input Slew Rate (OSC_IN) 400 V/µs Minimum limit imposed for jitter performance Common-Mode Internally Generated Input Voltage 0.6 0.7 0.8 V Input Common-Mode Range 1.025 1.475 V For dc-coupled LVDS (maximum swing) Differential Input Voltage, Sensitivity Frequency < 250 MHz 100 mV p-p Capacitive coupling required; can accommodate single-ended input by ac grounding of unused input; the instantaneous voltage on either pin must not exceed the 1.8 V dc supply rails Differential Input Voltage, Sensitivity Frequency > 250 MHz 200 mV p-p Capacitive coupling required; can accommodate single-ended input by ac grounding of unused input; the instantaneous voltage on either pin must not exceed the 1.8 V dc supply rails Differential Input Resistance 4.8 kΩ Differential Input Capacitance 1 pF Duty Cycle Duty cycle bounds are set by pulse width high and pulse width low Pulse Width Low 1 ns Pulse Width High 1 ns CMOS MODE SINGLE-ENDED INPUT Input Frequency Range 250 MHz Input High Voltage 1.62 V Input Low Voltage 0.52 V Input Threshold Voltage 1.0 V When ac coupling to the input receiver, the user must dc bias the input to 1 V; the single-ended CMOS input is 3.3 V compatible Input Capacitance 1 pF Duty Cycle Duty cycle bounds are set by pulse width high and pulse width low Pulse Width Low 1.6 ns Pulse Width High 1.6 ns |
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