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NCP45491 Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - ON Semiconductor |
NCP45491 Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - ON Semiconductor |
5 / 10 page NCP45491 www.onsemi.com 5 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Differential Output Amplifier A differential output amplifier provides a scaled representation of multiple bus voltages and currents to an external device on the DIFF_OUT_P and DIFF_OUT_N pins. These voltages and currents are presented sequentially (under control of the Sequence Logic block) via the Multiplexer. The common−mode voltage of the differential output amplifier is established by the voltage on the CM_REF_IN pin. Current Shunt Monitor (one of four identical instances) The differential voltage across an external shunt resistor (RSHUNT) is converted to a current by a transconductor stage implemented by an op−amp and external resistor R1. This current is supplied to the SH_Ox pin where it is converted back to a ground−referenced voltage by external resistor R2. The conversion gain from differential voltage across the shunt resistor to that ground−referred voltage on SH_Ox may then be set directly as the ratio of RSHUNT to R1. A capacitor may be connected across R2 in order to provide noise filtering if required in the application. Note that bias current for the op−amp is taken from the “load” side of the shunt resistor so that it is included in the load current measurement. Current Shunt Resistors The external resistors labeled RSHUNT, R1, and R2 in Figure 1 are used to define the full dynamic range of the shunt current monitoring and are user application dependent. Resistors RSHUNT and R1 are chosen based on the maximum load current (ILOAD) to define the SH_Ox current (ISH_Ox) using the equation; I SH_Ox + R SHUNT R 1 I LOAD (eq. 1) ISH_Ox is also user defined and is not to exceed ISH_O_MAX. Ideally, the SH_Ox current is around 2 mA. The resistance of R2 is found with the relationship; R 2 + V SH_Ox I SH_Ox (eq. 2) Regardless of the values of ILOAD or ISH_Ox, the maximum voltage of the SH_Ox pin shall not exceed VSH_Ox, indicated in the operating range table. Bus Voltage Monitor (one of four identical instances) An external voltage divider is used to scale the voltage on the BS_INx pin to an appropriate full−scale range for the differential output amplifier. Resistors R3 and R4 form a resistor divider to define the full dynamic range of the bus voltage monitor with; R 4 R 3 ) R4 V BUS + VBS_INx (eq. 3) Multiplexer Select The multiplier selection is controlled by a single digital input (MUX_SEL pin). The device will monitor this pin and cycle through the different measured parameters in a fixed sequence. The sequence will repeat cycle as shown in the tables until either a timeout condition is detected or the device is disabled. The MUX_SEL pin needs to be pulsed at least once before normal MUX_SEL cycles begin. The delay between the falling edge of the last initial MUX_SEL pulse and the first rising edge of the normal MUX_SEL cycle needs to be 14.75 ms > Td > 24.25 ms. Operating Modes There are two operating modes – stand−alone (one to four channels) and paired operation (up to eight channels). In paired operation, MODE_SEL is used to designate a “Device A” and “Device B” of a pair. When paired, the differential output amplifiers of the two devices are expected to be “wire−or’ed” together, and the table logic insures that only one device will actively drive DIFF_OUT_P and DIFF_OUT_N at any given time. See description in the Auxiliary Functions section for details. Additionally, devices can be configured to operate with a reduced channel count. See description in the Auxiliary Functions section for details. Four−Channel Stand−Alone Operation MUX_SEL Cycle Differential Amp Output Standby Hi−Z 1 Channel 1 Bus Voltage 2 Channel 1 Shunt Current 3 Channel 2 Bus Voltage 4 Channel 2 Shunt Current 5 Channel 3 Bus Voltage 6 Channel 3 Shunt Current 7 Channel 4 Bus Voltage 8 Channel 4 Shunt Current 9 ³1 Channel 1 Bus Voltage 10 ³2 Channel 1 Shunt Current …. Repeat cycle until reset or timeout Six−Channel Paired Operation MUX_SEL Cycle Differential Amp Output (Device A) Differential Amp Output (Device B) Standby Hi−Z Hi−Z 1 Ch 1 Bus Voltage Hi−Z 2 Ch 1 Shunt Current Hi−Z 3 Ch 2 Bus Voltage Hi−Z 4 Ch 2 Shunt Current Hi−Z 5 Ch 3 Bus Voltage Hi−Z 6 Ch 3 Shunt Current Hi−Z 7 Hi−Z Ch 1 Bus Voltage 8 Hi−Z Ch 1 Shunt Current 9 Hi−Z Ch 2 Bus Voltage 10 Hi−Z Ch 2 Shunt Current 11 Hi−Z Ch 3 Bus Voltage 12 Hi−Z Ch 3 Shunt Current 13 ³1 Ch 1 Bus Voltage Hi−Z 14 ³2 Ch 1 Shunt Current Hi−Z …. Repeat cycle until re- set or timeout Repeat cycle until re- set or timeout |
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