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GRM152D70G104KE15 Datasheet(PDF) 29 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Part # GRM152D70G104KE15
Description  Chip Monolithic Ceramic Capacitor for General
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Manufacturer  MURATA [Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.]
Direct Link  http://www.murata.com
Logo MURATA - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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1. The performance of a capacitor may be affected by the conditions during transportation.
1-1. The capacitors shall be protected against excessive temperature, humidity and mechanical force during transportation.
(1) Climatic condition
 ・ low air temperature : -40℃
・ change of temperature air/air : -25℃/+25℃
・ low air pressure : 30 kPa
・ change of air pressure : 6 kPa/min.
(2) Mechanical condition
Transportation shall be done in such a way that the boxes are not deformed and forces are not directly passed
on to the inner packaging.
1-2. Do not apply excessive vibration, shock, or pressure to the capacitor.
(1) When excessive mechanical shock or pressure is applied to a capacitor, chipping or cracking may occur
in the ceramic body of the capacitor.
(2) When the sharp edge of an air driver, a soldering iron, tweezers, a chassis, etc. impacts strongly on the surface
of the capacitor, the capacitor may crack and short-circuit.
1-3. Do not use a capacitor to which excessive shock was applied by dropping etc.
A capacitor dropped accidentally during processing may be damaged.
2.Characteristics Evaluation in the Actual System
1. Evaluate the capacitor in the actual system,to confirm that there is no problem with the performance and specification
values in a finished product before using.
2. Since a voltage dependency and temperature dependency exists in the capacitance of high dielectric type ceramic
capacitors, the capacitance may change depending on the operating conditions in the actual system.
Therefore,be sure to evaluate the various characteristics, such as the leakage current and noise absorptivity,
which will affect the capacitance value of the capacitor.
3. In addition,voltages exceeding the predetermined surge may be applied to the capacitor by the inductance in
the actual system. Evaluate the surge resistance in the actual system as required.

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