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GRM0225C1E4R0BA03 Datasheet(PDF) 19 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

Part # GRM0225C1E4R0BA03
Description  Chip Monolithic Ceramic Capacitor for General
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Manufacturer  MURATA [Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.]
Direct Link  http://www.murata.com
Logo MURATA - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

GRM0225C1E4R0BA03 Datasheet(HTML) 19 Page - Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

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4-3.Correction of Soldered Portion
When sudden heat is applied to the capacitor, distortion caused by the large temperature difference occurs internally,
and can be the cause of cracks. Capacitors also tend to be affected by mechanical and thermal stress depending
on the board preheating temperature or the soldering fillet shape, and can be the cause of cracks.
Please refer to "1. PCB Design" or "3. Optimum solder amount" for the solder amount and the fillet shapes.
1. Correction with a Soldering Iron
1-1. In order to reduce damage to the capacitor, be sure to preheat the capacitor and the mounting board.
Preheat to the temperature range shown in Table 3. A hot plate, hot air type preheater, etc. can be used for preheating.
1-2. After soldering, do not allow the component/PCB to cool down rapidly.
1-3. Perform the corrections with a soldering iron as quickly as possible. If the soldering iron is applied too long,
there is a possibility of causing solder leaching on the terminal electrodes, which will cause deterioration of the
adhesive strength and other problems.
Table 3
Lead Free Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu
* Please manage Δ T in the temperature of soldering iron and the preheating temperature.
2. Correction with Spot Heater
Compared to local heating with a soldering iron, hot air heating by a spot heater heats the overall component
and board, therefore, it tends to lessen the thermal shock. In the case of a high density mounted board,
a spot heater can also prevent concerns of the soldering iron making direct contact with the component.
2-1. If the distance from the hot air outlet of the spot heater to the component is too close, cracks may occur due to
thermal shock. To prevent this problem, follow the conditions shown in Table 4.
2-2. In order to create an appropriate solder fillet shape, it is recommended that hot air be applied at the angle shown
in Figure 1.
Table 4
5mm or more
Hot Air Application angle
45° *Figure 1
Hot Air Temperature Nozzle Outlet 400°C max.
Less than 10 seconds
Application Time
(3216M / 1206 size or smaller)
Less than 30 seconds
(3225M / 1210 size or larger)
(3216M , 3225M : Metric size code)
3. Optimum solder amount when re-working with a soldering iron
3-1. If the solder amount is excessive, the risk of cracking is higher
    during board bending or any other stressful condition.
Too little solder amount results in a lack of adhesive strength
on the termination, which may result in chips breaking
loose from the PCB.
Please confirm that solder has been applied smoothly is
in section
and rising to the end surface of the chip.
3-2. A soldering iron with a tip of ø3mm or smaller should be used.
It is also necessary to keep the soldering iron from touching
the components during the re-work.
3-3. Solder wire with ø0.5mm or smaller is required for soldering.
350℃ max.
150℃ min.
150℃ min.
280℃ max.
Chip Dimension
(L/W) Code
Temperature of
Soldering Iron Tip
One-hole Nozzle
an Angle of 45
[Figure 1]
Solder Amount

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