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SCC205K601H5-24-F Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Cornell Dubilier Electronics

Part # SCC205K601H5-24-F
Description  Dual IGBT Clamp-Snubber Modules
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Manufacturer  CDE [Cornell Dubilier Electronics]
Direct Link  http://www.cde.com
Logo CDE - Cornell Dubilier Electronics

SCC205K601H5-24-F Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Cornell Dubilier Electronics

  SCC205K601H5-24-F Datasheet HTML 1Page - Cornell Dubilier Electronics SCC205K601H5-24-F Datasheet HTML 2Page - Cornell Dubilier Electronics SCC205K601H5-24-F Datasheet HTML 3Page - Cornell Dubilier Electronics  
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Notice and Disclaimer: All product drawings, descriptions, specifications, statements, information and
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Information given herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but it is presented without any guaran-
tee, warranty, representation or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements of suitability
for certain applications are based on the knowledge that the Cornell Dubilier company providing such
statements (“Cornell Dubilier”) has of operating conditions that such Cornell Dubilier company regards
as typical for such applications, but are not intended to constitute any guarantee, warranty or representa-
tion regarding any such matter – and Cornell Dubilier specifically and expressly disclaims any guarantee,
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have the requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any
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to the use of any Cornell Dubilier products is given gratis (unless otherwise specified by Cornell Dubilier),
and Cornell Dubilier assumes no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained. Although
Cornell Dubilier strives to apply the most stringent quality and safety standards regarding the design
and manufacturing of its products, in light of the current state of the art, isolated component failures may
still occur. Accordingly, customer applications which require a high degree of reliability or safety should
employ suitable designs or other safeguards (such as installation of protective circuitry or redundancies
or other appropriate protective measures) in order to ensure that the failure of an electrical component
does not result in a risk of personal injury or property damage. Although all product-related warnings,
cautions and notes must be observed, the customer should not assume that all safety measures are indi-
cated in such warnings, cautions and notes, or that other safety measures may not be required.

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