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LTC6752-2 Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Linear Technology

Part # LTC6752-2
Description  280MHz, 2.9ns Comparator Family with Rail-to-Rail Inputs and CMOS Outputs
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Manufacturer  LINER [Linear Technology]
Direct Link  http://www.linear.com
Logo LINER - Linear Technology

LTC6752-2 Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Linear Technology

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applicaTions inForMaTion
are tied to the output pins are cut off and cannot source/
sink any current. The shutdown pin needs to be taken to
within 600mV of the negative supply for the part to shut
down. When left floating, the shutdown pin is internally
pulled towards the positive supply, and the comparator
remains fully biased on.
Dispersion is defined as the change in propagation delay
for different input conditions. It becomes very crucial in
timing sensitive applications. Overdrive dispersion from
10mV overdrive to 125mV overdrive is typically less than
Delay vs Common Mode Voltage shows the dispersion
due to shifts in input common mode voltage.
The LTC6752 family has been designed for low phase
noise and jitter. This allows it to be used in applications
where high frequency low amplitude sine waves need to
be converted to full-logic level square waves with mini-
mal additive jitter. The graph titled Output Jitter vs Input
Amplitude demonstrates the additive jitter of the LTC6752
family for different amplitudes of a sinusoidal input. Refer
with signal frequency.
High Speed Board Design Techniques
Being very high speed devices, members of the LTC6752
family are prone to output oscillations if certain guidelines
are not followed at the board level. Low impedance supply
planes, especially for the VDD and VEE pins, help to reduce
supply bounce related oscillations. Supply bounce tends to
to minimize parasitic feedback. Input and output traces on
the board should be placed away from each other. If that is
not possible a ground or supply trace should be used as a
guard to isolate them. If possible, a supply/ground trace that
is not directly connected to the supply pins of the device,
but rather directly connected to the supply terminal of the
board, should be used for such a purpose.
The positive supply pins should be adequately bypassed
to the VEE pin to minimize transients on the supply. Low
ESR and ESL capacitors are required due to the high speed
nature of the device. Even a few nanohenries of parasitic
trace inductance in series with the supply bypassing can
pins during output transitions. A 2.2µF capacitor in parallel
as close to the supply pins as possible to minimize trace
impedance is recommended. In many applications the VEE
pin will be connected to ground. In applications where the
VEE pin is not connected to ground, the positive supplies
be bypassed to a ground plane with a 2.2µF capacitor in
parallel with low ESL, low ESR 100nF capacitors if possible.
For devices with separate positive input and output sup-
plies, capacitors should not be placed between the two
positive supplies; otherwise disturbances due to output
switching can couple back to the inputs.
with careful consideration of the supply current return
paths. The output current will return back to the supply
via the lowest impedance path available. If the terminating
connection of the load is easily available on the board, VEE
should be bypassed to the terminating connection using
2.2µF and 100nF capacitors as described previously.
shielded with a low impedance ground plane to minimize
electromagnetic interference. Due to the complementary
nature of its outputs, the LTC6752-3 can provide a first
order cancellation of EMI effects.
When the input slew rate is small, sustained oscillations
can occur at the output pin while the input is transitioning
due to even one millivolt of ground bounce. For applica-
tions where the input slew rate is low, internal hysteresis
should not be removed by taking the LE/HYST pin high,
as the addition of hysteresis makes the comparators more
immune to disturbances such as ground bounce. Increas-
ing hysteresis by adjusting the LE/HYST pin voltage or by
adding positive feedback as discussed in the section on
hysteresis can further improve noise immunity.

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