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SIT1630 Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - SiTime Corp. |
SIT1630 Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - SiTime Corp. |
1 / 9 page SIT1630 Ultra-Low Power, Ultra-Small 32.768 kHz or 16.384 kHz Oscillator Features <20 ppm initial tolerance <100 ppm stability over -40°C to +85°C Small SMD package: 2.0 x 1.2 mm (2012) [1] SOT23-5 package option for industrial and automotive applications Ultra-low power: 1.0 µA typ Vdd supply range: 1.5V to 3.63V Wide operating temperature range options Internal filtering eliminates external Vdd bypass capacitors Pb-free, RoHS and REACH compliant Applications Industrial timekeeping Industrial battery management Multi-drop 32 kHz clock distribution Bluetooth modules WiFi modules RTC Reference Clock Note: 1. For the smallest 32 kHz XO in CSP (1.2mm 2), consider the SiT1532. Table 1. Electrical Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition Frequency and Stability Output Frequency Fout 32.768 or 16.384 kHz Frequency Stability Initial Tolerance [2] F_init 20 ppm TA = 25°C, post reflow, Vdd: 1.5V – 3.63V. Frequency Stability Over Temperature [3] F_stab 75 ppm TA = -10°C to +70°C, Vdd: 1.5V – 3.63V. 100 TA = -40°C to +85°C, Vdd: 1.5V – 3.63V. 150 TA = -40°C to +105°C, -55°C to +85C, Vdd: 1.8V – 3.63V. 25°C Aging -1 1 ppm 1st Year Supply Voltage and Current Consumption Operating Supply Voltage Vdd 1.5 3.63 V TA = over temperature Operating Current Idd 1.0 μA TA = 25°C, Vdd: 1.5V – 3.3V. No load 1.3 TA = -10°C to +70°C, Vdd max: 3.63V. No load 1.4 TA = -40°C to +85°C, Vdd max: 3.63V. No load 2.80 TA = -40°C to +105°C, Vdd max: 3.63V. No load Power-Supply Ramp t_Vdd Ramp 100 ms Over temperature, 0 to 90% Vdd Start-up Time at Power-up T_start 180 300 ms -40°C ≤ T A ≤ 50°C, valid output 450 -40°C ≤ T A ≤ 85°C, valid output 500 + 1 period T A = - 55° C an d +105°C Operating Temperature Range Commercial Temperature T_opn -10 70 °C Temp code “C” in part number ordering Industrial Temperature -40 85 Temp code “I” in part number ordering Extended IndustrialTemperature -40 105 Temp code “E” in part number ordering. Extended Cold Industrial Temperature -55 85 Temp Code “D” in part number ordering. Automotive Temperature Range -55 105 Contact Factory for Availability LVCMOS Output, TA = Over Temperature, typical values are at TA = 25°C Output Rise/Fall Time tr, tf 100 200 ns 10-90%, 15 pF load, Vdd = 1.5V to 3.63V 10-90% (Vdd), 5 pF load, Vdd ≥ 1.62V Output Clock Duty Cycle DC 48 52 % Output Voltage High VOH 90% V Vdd: 1.5V – 3.63V. IOH = -10 μA, 15 pF Output Voltage Low VOL 10% V Vdd: 1.5V – 3.63V. IOL = 10 μA, 15 pF Maximum Output Drive 50 pF ≥80% LVCMOS swing, TA = over temperature, Vdd = 1.5V to 3.3V Period Jitter T_jitt 35 ns RMS Cycles = 10,000, TA = 25°C Notes: 2. Measured peak-to- peak. Tested with Agilent 53132A frequency counter. Due to the low operating frequency, the gate time must be ≥100 ms to ensure an accurate frequency measurement. 3. Measured peak-to-peak. Inclusive of Initial Tolerance at 25°C, and variations over operating temperature, rated power supply voltage and load. Rev 1.3 October 12, 2017 www.sitime.com |
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