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IDT70V05L20PFI Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
IDT70V05L20PFI Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Integrated Device Technology |
21 / 22 page 6.42 IDT70V05S/L High-Speed 8K x 8 Dual-Port Static RAM Military, Industrial and Commercial Temperature Ranges 21 D0 2941 drw 19 D Q WRITE D0 D Q WRITE SEMAPHORE REQUEST FLIP FLOP SEMAPHORE REQUEST FLIP FLOP LPORT RPORT SEMAPHORE READ SEMAPHORE READ , The critical case of semaphore timing is when both sides request a single token by attempting to write a zero into it at the same time. The semaphore logic is specially designed to resolve this problem. If simultaneous requests are made, the logic guarantees that only one side receives the token. If one side is earlier than the other in making the request, the first side to make the request will receive the token. If both requests arrive at the same time, the assignment will be arbitrarily made to one port or the other. One caution that should be noted when using semaphores is that semaphores alone do not guarantee that access to a resource is secure. As with any powerful programming technique, if semaphores are misused or misinterpreted, a software error can easily happen. Initialization of the semaphores is not automatic and must be handled via the initialization program at power-up. Since any sema- phore request flag which contains a zero must be reset to a one, all semaphores on both sides should have a one written into them at initialization from both sides to assure that they will be free when needed. Using SemaphoresSome Examples Perhaps the simplest application of semaphores is their applica- tion as resource markers for the IDT70V05’s Dual-Port SRAM. Say the 8K x 8 SRAM was to be divided into two 4K x 8 blocks which were to be dedicated at any one time to servicing either the left or right port. Semaphore 0 could be used to indicate the side which would control the lower section of memory, and Semaphore 1 could be defined as the indicator for the upper section of memory. To take a resource, in this example the lower 4K of Dual-Port SRAM, the processor on the left port could write and then read a zero in to Semaphore 0. If this task were successfully completed (a zero was read back rather than a one), the left processor would assume control of the lower 4K. Meanwhile the right processor was attempting to gain control of the resource after the left processor, it would read back a one in response to the zero it had attempted to write into Semaphore 0. At this point, the software could choose to try and gain control of the second 4K section by writing, then reading a zero into Semaphore 1. If it succeeded in gaining control, it would lock out theleftside. Once the left side was finished with its task, it would write a one to Semaphore 0 and may then try to gain access to Semaphore 1. If Semaphore 1 was still occupied by the right side, the left side could undo itssemaphorerequestandperformothertasksuntilitwasabletowrite,then readazerointoSemaphore1.Iftherightprocessorperformsasimilartask with Semaphore 0, this protocol would allow the two processors to swap 4K blocks of Dual-Port SRAM with each other. The blocks do not have to be any particular size and can even be variable, depending upon the complexity of the software using the semaphore flags. All eight semaphores could be used to divide the Dual-PortSRAMorothersharedresourcesintoeightparts.Semaphores can even be assigned different meanings on different sides rather than being given a common meaning as was shown in the example above. Semaphores are a useful form of arbitration in systems like disk interfaces where the CPU must be locked out of a section of memory during a transfer and the I/O device cannot tolerate any wait states. With the use of semaphores, once the two devices has determined which memory area was “off-limits” to the CPU, both the CPU and the I/O devices could access their assigned portions of memory continu- ously without any wait states. Semaphores are also useful in applications where no memory “WAIT” state is available on one or both sides. Once a semaphore handshake has been performed, both processors can access their assigned SRAM segments at full speed. Another application is in the area of complex data structures. In this case, block arbitration is very important. For this application one processor may be responsible for building and updating a data structure. The other processor then reads and interprets that data structure. If the interpreting processor reads an incomplete data structure, a major error condition may exist. Therefore, some sort of arbitration must be used between the two different processors. The building processor arbitrates for the block, locks it and then is able to go in and update the data structure. When the update is completed, the data structure block is released. This allows the interpreting processor to come back and read the complete data structure, thereby guaran- teeing a consistent data structure. Figure 4. IDT70V05 Semaphore Logic |
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