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L2C2-40901208E1500 Datasheet(PDF) 28 Page - Lumileds Lighting Company

Part # L2C2-40901208E1500
Description  Uniform, high-efficacy and easy-to-design array
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Manufacturer  LUMILEDS [Lumileds Lighting Company]
Direct Link  http://www.luxeon.com
Logo LUMILEDS - Lumileds Lighting Company

L2C2-40901208E1500 Datasheet(HTML) 28 Page - Lumileds Lighting Company

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DS155 LUXEON CoB Core Range (Gen 2)
Product Datasheet 20161105
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About Lumileds
Lumileds is the global leader in light engine technology. The company develops, manufactures and distributes groundbreaking
LEDs and automotive lighting products that shatter the status quo and help customers gain and maintain a competitive edge.
With a rich history of industry “firsts,” Lumileds is uniquely positioned to deliver lighting advancements well into the future by
maintaining an unwavering focus on quality, innovation and reliability.
To learn more about our portfolio of light engines, visit lumileds.com.

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