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CY7C1441KV25 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Cypress Semiconductor |
CY7C1441KV25 Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Cypress Semiconductor |
9 / 29 page Document Number: 001-94722 Rev. *E Page 9 of 29 CY7C1441KV25 Partial Truth Table for Read/Write The partial truth table for read/write for CY7C1441KV25 follows. [6, 7] Function (CY7C1441KV25) GW BWE BWD BWC BWB BWA Read H H XX XX Read H L HH HH Write Byte A (DQA, DQPA)H L H H H L Write Byte B(DQB, DQPB)H L H H L H Write Bytes A, B (DQA, DQB, DQPA, DQPB)H L H H L L Write Byte C (DQC, DQPC)H L H L H H Write Bytes C, A (DQC, DQA, DQPC, DQPA)H L H L H L Write Bytes C, B (DQC, DQB, DQPC, DQPB)H L H L L H Write Bytes C, B, A (DQC, DQB, DQA, DQPC, DQPB, DQPA) HL HL L L Write Byte D (DQD, DQPD)H L L H H H Write Bytes D, A (DQD, DQA, DQPD, DQPA)H L L H H L Write Bytes D, B (DQD, DQA, DQPD, DQPA)H L L H L H Write Bytes D, B, A (DQD, DQB, DQA, DQPD, DQPB, DQPA) HL LHL L Write Bytes D, B (DQD, DQB, DQPD, DQPB) H LLL H H Write Bytes D, B, A (DQD, DQC, DQA, DQPD, DQPC, DQPA) H LLL H L Write Bytes D, C, A (DQD, DQB, DQA, DQPD, DQPB, DQPA) H LLL L H Write All Bytes H L L L L L Write All Bytes L X X X X X Notes 6. X = “Don't Care.” H = Logic HIGH, L = Logic LOW. 7. Table only lists a partial listing of the byte write combinations. Any combination of BWX is valid. Appropriate write is done based on which byte write is active. 8. BWx represents any byte write signal BWX.To enable any byte write BWx, a logic LOW signal should be applied at clock rise. Any number of bye writes can be enabled at the same time for any given write. |
Similar Part No. - CY7C1441KV25 |
Similar Description - CY7C1441KV25 |
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