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807-22-001-30-000101 Datasheet(PDF) 2 Page - Mill-Max Mfg. Corp.

Part # 807-22-001-30-000101
Description  Spring-Loaded Insulated Spring Pin Spring-Loaded Header
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Manufacturer  MILL-MAX [Mill-Max Mfg. Corp.]
Direct Link  http://www.mill-max.com
Logo MILL-MAX - Mill-Max Mfg. Corp.

807-22-001-30-000101 Datasheet(HTML) 2 Page - Mill-Max Mfg. Corp.

  807-22-001-30-000101 Datasheet HTML 1Page - Mill-Max Mfg. Corp. 807-22-001-30-000101 Datasheet HTML 2Page - Mill-Max Mfg. Corp. 807-22-001-30-000101 Datasheet HTML 3Page - Mill-Max Mfg. Corp.  
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†RoHS-2 directive 2011/65/EU, exemption 6c allows up to 4% lead as an alloy agent in copper.
*International Annealed Copper Standard, i.e. as a % of pure copper.
NYLON 46 (Stanyl TE250F6 {30% glass} or TE250F9 {45% glass}, black)
High Temperature
Properties of NYLON 46:
Brand: Stanyl
Grade: TE250-F6 or F9
Material Heat Deflection Temp. (per ASTM D 648): 554°F (290°C) @ 264 psi
Note: Materials above 446°F (230°C) are considered suitable for "eutectic" reflow soldering, above 500°F (260°C) for
"lead-free" reflow soldering.
Certificate of Compliance:
This is to Certify that the product described above is manufactured to Mill-Max quality standards in accordance with all
applicable specifications and drawing. Mill-Max certifies this product to be free from defects of materials and workmanship.
This Certificate of Compliance covers the following requirements:
Dimensional (all features verified to be within tolerances described on the applicable drawing).
Raw Material (materials and properties verified to be as described on the applicable drawing).
Plating (platings as required, thickness verified, and performance including solderability per mil-standard).
Performance (insertion extraction or other force requirements as described on the applicable drawing).
RoHS Compliance Statement for the restriction of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium PBB, 
PBDE, including Octa-BDE, Penta-BDE, Deca -BDE, in electronic equipment and use of PFOA 
and PFOS in metal plating processes.
1. Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of January 27 2003 on the restriction of the use of
certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
2. Directive 2003/11/EC which amends Council Directive 76/769/EC to include pentabromodiphenyl ether and
octabromodiphenyl ether.
3. Directive 2005/618/EC Commission decision of 18 August 2005 amending Directive 2002/95/EC. Establishes threshold
limits for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent Chromium, PBB, and PBDE.
4. Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) 1 April 2008, Directive 2002/95/EC-Electrical and electronic equipment -
Decabromodiphenyl ether (Deca-BDE) Actions for annulment of exemption.
5. EU Directive 2006/122/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006, amending Council
Directive 76/769/EEC on the restriction of Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfanates (PFOS) used
during metal plating processes.
In reference to the directives described above, MILL-MAX Mfg.Corp. declares that lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent
chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, including pentabromodiphenyl ether,
octabromodiphenyl ether, decabromodiphenyl ether, Perfluorooctanoic Acid, and Perfluorooctane Sulfanates are not
intentionally added to the raw material or processes used for our certified RoHS compliant products except where described
and allowed under item 6 of the annex; Applications where lead mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium, which are
exempted from the requirements of Article 4 (1) of reference 1. No warranty, liability of indemnification is expressed or
implied with this information.
Compliance Statement for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) 
1. Regulation EC No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006, concerning the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)
2. ECHA, Candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) http://echa.europa.eu/reach_en.asp
Mill-Max is aware of the regulation and the SVHC list the EU published (referenced above). Mill-Max does not produce or
sell any of the listed substances in their homogeneous form. These substances are not intentionally added during the
manufacturing of any Mill-Max products. To our knowledge, our products do not contain the substances described on the
ECHA SVHC list. Testing is not performed for materials and substances that were not intentionally added. No warranty,
liability of indemnification is expressed or implied with this information. Mill-Max maintains surveillance of the ECHA website
to obtain the latest information and periodically reviews the SVHC list for changes and additions.
Mill-Max Mfg. Corp. Datasheet — Last Modified 1/13/2018
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