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TPS65321A-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPS65321A-Q1
Description  36-V Step-Down Converter With Eco-mode and LDO Regulator
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
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Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Feature Description (continued) Pulse-Skip Eco-mode™ Control Scheme
The TPS65321A-Q1 buck regulator operates in a pulse-skip mode at light load currents to improve efficiency by
reducing switching and gate-drive losses. The design of the TPS65321A-Q1 buck regulator is such that if the
output voltage is within regulation and the peak switch current at the end of any switching cycle is below the
pulse-skipping-current threshold, the buck regulator enters pulse-skip mode. This current threshold is the current
level corresponding to a nominal COMP voltage, or 720 mV. The current at which entry to the pulse-skip mode
occurs depends on switching frequency, inductor selection, output-capacitor selection, and compensation
In pulse-skip mode, the buck regulator clamps the COMP pin voltage at 720 mV, inhibiting the high-side
MOSFET. Further decreases in load current or in output voltage cannot drive the COMP pin below this clamp-
voltage level. Because the buck regulator is not switching, the output voltage begins to decay. As the voltage-
control loop compensates for the falling output voltage, the COMP pin voltage begins to rise. At this time, the
high-side MOSFET turns on and a switching pulse initiates on the next switching cycle. The peak current is set
by the COMP pin voltage. The output current recharges the output capacitor to the nominal voltage, then the
peak switch current begins to decrease, and eventually falls below the pulse-skip-mode threshold, at which time
the buck regulator enters Eco-mode again.
For pulse-skip-mode operation, the TPS65321A-Q1 buck regulator senses the peak current, not the average or
load current. Therefore, the load current where the buck regulator enters pulse-skip mode is dependent on the
output inductor value. When the load current is low and the output voltage is within regulation, the buck regulator
enters a sleep mode and draws only 140-µA input quiescent current. The internal PLL remains operating when
the buck regulator is in sleep mode. Dropout Mode Operation and Bootstrap Voltage (BOOT)
The TPS65321A-Q1 buck regulator has an integrated boot regulator and requires a small ceramic capacitor
between the BOOT pin and the SW pin to provide the gate-drive voltage for the high-side MOSFET. The BOOT
capacitor recharges when the high-side MOSFET is off and the low-side diode conducts. The value of this
ceramic capacitor must be 0.1 μF. TI recommends a ceramic capacitor with an X7R or X5R grade dielectric and
a voltage rating of 10 V or higher because of the stable characteristics over temperature and over voltage.
To improve drop out, the high-side MOSFET of the TPS65321A-Q1 buck regulator remains on for 7 consecutive
switching cycles, and is forced off during the 8th switching cycle to allow the low-side diode to conduct and
refresh the charge on the BOOT capacitor. Because the current supplied by the BOOT capacitor is low, the high-
side MOSFET can remain on before it is required to refresh the BOOT capacitor. The effective duty cycle of the
switching regulator under this operation can be higher than the fixed-frequency PWM operation through skipping
switching cycles. Error Amplifier
The buck converter of the TPS65321A-Q1 buck regulator has a transconductance amplifier acting as the error
amplifier. The error amplifier compares the FB1 voltage to the lower of the internal soft-start (SS) voltage or the
internal 0.8-V voltage reference. The transconductance (gm) of the error amplifier is 310 µS during normal
operation. During the soft-start operation, the transconductance is a fraction of the normal operating gm. When
the voltage of the voltage on the FB1 pin is below 0.8 V and the buck regulator is regulating using an internal SS
voltage, the gm is 70 µS. For frequency compensation, external compensation components (capacitor with series
resistor and an optional parallel capacitor) must be connected between the COMP pin and the GND pin. Voltage Reference
The voltage reference system produces a precise ±2% voltage reference over temperature by scaling the output
of a temperature stable band-gap circuit. Adjusting the Output Voltage
A resistor divider from the output node to the FB1 pin sets the output voltage. TI recommends using 1%
tolerance or better divider resistors. Start with 10 kΩ for the R2 resistor and use Equation 1 to calculate R1. To
improve efficiency at light loads, consider using larger-value resistors. If the values are too high, the regulator is
more susceptible to noise, and voltage errors from the FB1 input current are noticeable.

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