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TPS65321A-Q1 Datasheet(PDF) 33 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPS65321A-Q1
Description  36-V Step-Down Converter With Eco-mode and LDO Regulator
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
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TPS65321A-Q1 Datasheet(HTML) 33 Page - Texas Instruments

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Output Current (A)
VIN = 9 V
VIN = 13.8 V
VIN = 18 V
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Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated Application Curve
Figure 24. Efficiency vs Output Current
9 Power Supply Recommendations
The buck regulator is designed to operate from an input voltage supply range between 3.6 V and 36 V. The
linear regulator is designed to operate from an input supply voltage up to 36 V. Both input supplies must be well
regulated. If the input supply connected to the VIN pin is located more than a few inches from the TPS65321A-
Q1 converter additional bulk capacitance may be required in addition to the ceramic bypass capacitors. An
electrolytic capacitor with a value of 100 μF is a typical choice.
10 Layout
10.1 Layout Guidelines
TI recommends the guidelines that follow for PCB layout of the TPS65321A-Q1 device.
Use a low-EMI inductor with a ferrite-type shielded core. Other types of inductors can also be used, however,
these inductors must have low-EMI characteristics and be located away from the low-power traces and
components in the circuit.
Input Filter Capacitors
Locate input ceramic filter capacitors close to the VIN pin. TI recommends surface-mount capacitors to
minimize lead length and reduce noise coupling.
Route the feedback trace for minimum interaction with any noise sources associated with the switching
components. TI recommends to place the inductor away from the feedback trace to prevent creating an EMI
noise source.
Traces and Ground Plane
All power (high-current) traces must be as thick and short as possible. The inductor and output capacitors
must be as close to each other as possible to reduce EMI radiated by the power traces because of high
switching currents. In a two-sided PCB, TI recommends using ground planes on both sides of the PCB to
help reduce noise and ground loop errors. The ground connection for the input capacitors, output capacitors,
and device ground should connect to this ground plane, where the connection between input capacitors and
the catch-diode is the most critical. In a multi-layer PCB, the ground plane separates the power plane (where
high switching currents and components are) from the signal plane (where the feedback trace and
components are) for improved performance. Also, arrange the components such that the switching-current
loops curl in the same direction. Place the high-current components such that during conduction the current
path is in the same direction. This placement prevents magnetic field reversal caused by the traces between
the two half-cycles, and helps reduce radiated EMI.

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