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TPA3220 Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # TPA3220
Description  60-W Stereo, 100-W Peak HD Analog-Input, Pad-Down Class-D Amplifier
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Manufacturer  TI1 [Texas Instruments]
Direct Link  http://www.ti.com
Logo TI1 - Texas Instruments

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Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated DC Speaker Protection
The output DC protection scheme protects a speaker from excess DC current in case one terminal of the
speaker is connected to the amplifier while the other is accidentally shorted to the chassis ground. Such a short
circuit results in a DC voltage of PVDD/2 across the speaker, which potentially can result in destructive current
levels. The output DC protection detects any unbalance of the output and input current of a BTL or PBTL output
configuration (current into/out of one half-bridge equals current out of/into the other half-bridge), and in the event
of the unbalance exceeding a programmed threshold, the overload counter increments until its maximum value
and the affected output channel is shut down. DC Speaker Protection is enabled in both BTL and PBTL mode
operation. Pin-to-Pin Short Circuit Protection (PPSC)
The PPSC detection system protects the device from permanent damage in the case that a power output pin
(OUT_X) is shorted to GND_X or PVDD_X. For comparison, the OC protection system detects an overcurrent
after the demodulation filter where PPSC detects shorts directly at the pin before the filter. PPSC detection is
performed at startup after RESET is pulled high. When PPSC detection is activated by a short on the output, all
half-bridges are kept in a Hi-Z state until the short is removed; the device then continues the startup sequence
and starts switching. The detection is controlled globally by a two step sequence. The first step ensures that
there are no shorts from OUT_X to GND_X, the second step tests that there are no shorts from OUT_X to
PVDD_X. The total duration of this process is roughly proportional to the capacitance of the output LC filter. The
typical duration is < 15 ms/μF. While the PPSC detection is in progress, FAULT is kept low. If no shorts are
present the PPSC detection passes, and FAULT is released. A device reset will start a new PPSC detection.
PPSC detection is enabled in both BTL and PBTL output configurations. To make sure not to trip the PPSC
detection system it is recommended not to insert a resistive load to GND_X or PVDD_X. Overtemperature Protection OTW and OTE
TPA3220 has a two-level temperature-protection system that asserts an active-low warning signal (OTW_CLIP)
when the device junction temperature exceeds 125°C (typical) and, if the device junction temperature exceeds
155°C (typical), the device is put into thermal shutdown, resulting in all half-bridge outputs being set in the high-
impedance (Hi-Z) state and FAULT being asserted low. OTE is latched in this case. To clear the OTE latch,
RESET must be asserted. Thereafter, the device resumes normal operation. Undervoltage Protection (UVP), Overvoltage Protection (OVP) and Power-on Reset (POR)
The UVP, OVP and POR circuits of the TPA3220 fully protect the device in any power-up/down, and brownout
situation, and also in overvoltage situation with PVDD not exceeding the values stated in Absolute Maximum
Ratings. While powering up, the POR circuit ensures that all circuits are fully operational when the AVDD supply
voltage reaches the value stated in the Electrical Characteristics table. Although AVDD is independently
monitored, a supply voltage drop below the UVP threshold on AVDD pin results in all half-bridge outputs
immediately being set in the high-impedance (Hi-Z) state and FAULT being asserted low. The device
automatically resumes operation when all supply voltages have increased above their UVP threshold. In case of
an OVP event, all half-bridge outputs are immediately set in the high-impedance (Hi-Z) state and FAULT is
asserted low until PVDD is below the OVP threshold.

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