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AD7707 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Analog Devices

Part # AD7707
Description  3-Channel 16-Bit, Sigma-Delta ADC
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Rev. B | Page 14 of 52
Table 7 shows the AD7707 output rms noise and peak-to-peak
resolution in unbuffered mode for the selectable notch and
−3 dB frequencies for the part, as selected by FS0, FS1, and FS2
of the clock register. The numbers given are for the bipolar
input ranges with a VREF of 2.5 V and AVDD = 5 V. These
numbers are typical and are generated at an analog input voltage of
0 V. Table 8 shows the rms noise and peak-to-peak resolution
when operating in buffered mode. It is important to note that
the peak-to-peak numbers represent the resolution for which
there is no code flicker. They are not calculated based on rms
noise but on peak-to-peak noise. The numbers given are for
bipolar input ranges with a VREF of 2.5 V. These numbers are
typical and are rounded to the nearest LSB. The numbers apply
for the CLKDIV bit of the clock register set to 0. The output
noise comes from two sources. The first is the electrical noise in
the semiconductor devices (device noise) used in the
implementation of the modulator. Secondly, when the analog
input is converted into the digital domain, quantization noise is
added. The device noise is at a low level and is independent of
frequency. The quantization noise starts at an even lower level
but rises rapidly with increasing frequency to become the
dominant noise source. The numbers in Table 7 and Table 8 are
given for the bipolar input ranges. For the unipolar ranges, the
rms noise numbers are the same as the bipolar range but the
peak-to-peak resolution is now based on half the signal range,
which effectively means losing one bit of resolution.
Table 7. Output RMS Noise/Peak-to-Peak Resolution vs. Gain and Output Update Rate @ 5 V AIN1 and AIN2 Unbuffered Mode Only
Filter First Notch
and Output Data
−3 dB
Typical Output RMS Noise in μV (Peak-to-Peak Resolution in Bits)
Gain of 1
Gain of 2
Gain of 4
Gain of 8
Gain of 16
Gain of 32
Gain of 64
Gain of 128
MCLK IN = 2.4576 MHz
10 Hz
2.62 Hz
1.2 (16)
0.7 (16)
0.7 (16)
0.54 (16)
0.28 (16)
0.28 (16)
0.28 (15.5)
0.27 (14.5)
50 Hz
13.1 Hz
3.6 (16)
2.1 (16)
1.25 (16)
0.89 (16)
0.62 (16)
0.60 (15.5)
0.56 (14.5)
0.56 (13.5)
60 Hz
15.72 Hz
4.7 (16)
2.6 (16)
1.5 (16)
0.94 (16)
0.73 (16)
0.68 (15.5)
0.66 (14.5)
0.63 (13.5)
250 Hz
65.5 Hz
95 (13)
65 (13)
23.4 (13)
11.6 (13)
6.5 (13)
3.4 (13)
2.1 (12.5)
1.5 (12)
500 Hz
131 Hz
600 (10.5)
316 (10.5)
138 (10.5)
71 (10.5)
38 (10.5)
18 (10.5)
10 (10)
5.7 (10)
4.05 Hz
1.06 Hz
1.19 (16)
0.69 (16)
0.71 (16)
0.63 (16)
0.27 (16)
0.27 (16)
0.26 (15.5)
0.24 (15)
20 Hz
5.24 Hz
3.68 (16)
2.18 (16)
1.19 (16)
0.94 (16)
0.6 (16)
0.6 (15.5)
0.56 (14.5)
0.56 (13.5)
25 Hz
6.55 Hz
4.78 (16)
2.66 (16)
1.51 (16)
1.07 (16)
0.7 (16)
0.67 (15.5)
0.66 (14.5)
0.65 (13.5)
100 Hz
26.2 Hz
100 (13)
50.1 (13)
23.5 (13)
11.9 (13)
5.83 (13)
3.64 (13)
2.16 (12.5)
1.5 (12)
200 Hz
52.5 Hz
543 (10.5)
318 (10.5)
132 (10.5)
68.1 (10.5)
33.1 (10.5)
17.6 (10.5)
9.26 (10.5)
6.13 (10)
Table 8. Output RMS Noise/Peak-to-Peak Resolution vs. Gain and Output Update Rate @ 5 V AIN1 and AIN2 Buffered Mode Only
Filter First Notch
and Output Data
−3 dB
Typical Output RMS oise in μV (Peak-to-Peak Resolution in Bits)
Gain of 1
Gain of 2
Gain of 4
Gain of 8
Gain of 16
Gain of 32
Gain of 64
Gain of 128
MCLK IN = 2.4576 MHz
10 Hz
2.62 Hz
1.47 (16)
0.95 (16)
0.88 (16)
0.55 (16)
0.42 (16)
0.42 (16)
0.42 (15)
0.41 (14)
50 Hz
13.1 Hz
4.2 (16)
2.6 (16)
1.6 (16)
1 (16)
0.89 (15.5)
0.94 (15)
0.9 (14)
0.9 (13)
60 Hz
15.72 Hz
4.9 (16)
3 (16)
1.8 (16)
1.1 (16)
1 (15.5)
1 (14.5)
0.94 (14)
0.94 (13)
250 Hz
65.5 Hz
104 (13)
52 (13)
26 (13)
14 (13)
6.5 (13)
4.1 (12.5)
2.7 (12.5)
2.3 (11.5)
500 Hz
131 Hz
572 (10.5)
293 (10.5)
125 (10.5)
69 (10.5)
40 (10.5)
19 (10.5)
10 (10.5)
5.9 (10)
4.05 Hz
1.06 Hz
1.48 (16)
8.95 (16)
0.87 (16)
0.67 (16)
0.41 (16)
0.40 (16)
0.40 (15)
0.40 (14)
20 Hz
5.24 Hz
3.9 (16)
2.46 (16)
1.77 (16)
1.19 (16)
0.94 (16)
0.93 (15)
0.95 (14)
0.9 (13)
25 Hz
6.55 Hz
5.37 (16)
3.05 (16)
1.89 (16)
1.33 (16)
1.11 (15.5)
1.06 (14.5)
1.04 (13.5)
1.02 (12.5)
100 Hz
26.2 Hz
98.9 (13)
52.4 (13)
26.1 (13)
12.7 (13)
6.08 (13)
4.01 (12.5)
2.62 (12.5)
2.33 (11.5)
200 Hz
52.4 Hz
596 (10.5)
298 (10.5)
133 (10.5)
69.3 (10.5)
34.7 (10.5)
16.9 (10.5)
9.67 (10.5)
6.34 (10)

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