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1--23147--2 Datasheet (PDF) - Tyco Electronics

1--23147--2 Datasheet PDF - Tyco Electronics
Part # 1--23147--2
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File Size   161.39 Kbytes
Page   5 Pages
Manufacturer  MACOM [Tyco Electronics]
Direct Link  http://www.macom.com
Logo MACOM - Tyco Electronics
Description Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.

1--23147--2 Datasheet (PDF)

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1--23147--2 Datasheet PDF - Tyco Electronics

Part # 1--23147--2
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File Size   161.39 Kbytes
Page   5 Pages
Manufacturer  MACOM [Tyco Electronics]
Direct Link  http://www.macom.com
Logo MACOM - Tyco Electronics
Description Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.

1--23147--2 Datasheet (HTML) - Tyco Electronics

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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
Tyco Electronics
408-9603 MACOM-408-9603 Datasheet
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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169Kb / 4P
   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
408-10047 MACOM-408-10047 Datasheet
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 8, REVISION SUMMARY.
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122Kb / 3P
   Reasons for reissue of this instruction sheet are provided in Section 4, REVISION SUMMARY.
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About Tyco Electronics

Tyco Electronics was a leading provider of electronic components, network solutions, and wireless systems. The company was originally established in 1999 as Tyco International and was later renamed Tyco Electronics in 2007. Tyco Electronics had a global presence, with operations in over 50 countries and a workforce of approximately 20,000 employees.

The company provided a wide range of products and services, including connectors, relays, power management solutions, circuit protection devices, and other electronic components for a variety of industries, including automotive, communications, medical, industrial, and consumer electronics. Tyco Electronics was known for its focus on quality, reliability, and innovation, and was recognized as a leader in the electronics industry.

In 2012, Tyco Electronics was acquired by TE Connectivity, a leading provider of connectivity and sensor solutions. The acquisition helped TE Connectivity expand its product portfolio and offerings in the electronics industry and further strengthen its position in the market. Tyco Electronics is now a subsidiary of TE Connectivity and continues to provide high-quality products and services to its customers.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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