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MB90652A Datasheet (PDF) - Fujitsu Component Limited.

MB90652A Datasheet PDF - Fujitsu Component Limited.
Part # MB90652A
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File Size   1690.37 Kbytes
Page   120 Pages
Manufacturer  FUJITSU [Fujitsu Component Limited.]
Direct Link  http://edevice.fujitsu.com/fmd/en/index.html
Logo FUJITSU - Fujitsu Component Limited.
Description 16-bit Proprietary Microcontroller

MB90652A Datasheet (PDF)

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MB90652A Datasheet PDF - Fujitsu Component Limited.

Part # MB90652A
Download  MB90652A Click to download

File Size   1690.37 Kbytes
Page   120 Pages
Manufacturer  FUJITSU [Fujitsu Component Limited.]
Direct Link  http://edevice.fujitsu.com/fmd/en/index.html
Logo FUJITSU - Fujitsu Component Limited.
Description 16-bit Proprietary Microcontroller

MB90652A Datasheet (HTML) - Fujitsu Component Limited.

MB90652A Product details


The MB90650A series are 16-bit microcontrollers designed for high speed real-time processing in consumer product applications such as controlling celluar phones, CD-ROMs, or VTRs. Based on the F2MC*1-16L CPU core, an F2MC-16L is used as the CPU. This CPU includes high-level language-support instructions and robust task switching instructions, and additional addressing modes. In order to reduce the consumption current, dual clock (main/sub) is used. Furthermore, low consumption power supply is achieved by using stop mode, sleep mode, watch mode, pseudo-watch mode, CPU intermittent operation mode. Microcontrollers in this series have built-in peripheral resources including 10-bit A/D converter, 8-bit D/A converter, UART, 8/16-bit PPG, 8/16-bit up/down counter/timer, I2C interface*2, 8/16-bit I/O timer (input capture, output compare, and 16-bit free-run timer).

*1:F2MC stands for FUJITSU Flexible Microcontroller.

*2:Purchase of Fujitsu I2C components conveys a license under the Philips I2C Patent Rights to use these components in an I2C system, provided that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined

by Philips.



• Minimum execution time: 62.5 ns/4 MHz oscillation (Uses PLL clock multiplication) maximum multiplier = 4

• Instruction set optimized for controller applications

Object code compatibility with F2MC-16(H)

Wide range of data types (bit, byte, word, and long word)

Improved instruction cycles provide increased speed

Additional addressing modes: 23 modes

High code efficiency

Access methods (bank access, linear pointer)

High precision operations are enhanced by use of a 32-bit accumulator

Extended intelligent I/O service (access area extended to 64 Kbytes)

Maximum memory space: 16 Mbytes

• Enhanced high level language (C) and multitasking support instructions

Use of a system stack pointer

Enhanced pointer indirect instructions

Barrel shift instructions

• Improved execution speed: Four byte instruction queue

• Powerful interrupt function

• Automatic data transfer function that does not use instruction (extended I2OS)

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About Fujitsu Component Limited.

Fujitsu Components Limited is a subsidiary of Fujitsu Limited, a Japanese multinational information technology company.
Fujitsu Components Limited is focused on the design, development, and manufacture of electronic components and devices.
The company offers a wide range of products including data storage devices, wireless communication modules, and other electronic components.
Fujitsu Components Limited has operations and facilities in various countries across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.
The company is known for its advanced technology, high-quality products, and innovative solutions in the electronics industry.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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