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AD633-EVALZ Datasheet (PDF) - Analog Devices

AD633-EVALZ Datasheet PDF - Analog Devices
Part # AD633-EVALZ
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File Size   610.68 Kbytes
Page   16 Pages
Manufacturer  AD [Analog Devices]
Direct Link  http://www.analog.com
Logo AD - Analog Devices
Description Low Cost Analog Multiplier

AD633-EVALZ Datasheet (PDF)

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AD633-EVALZ Datasheet PDF - Analog Devices

Part # AD633-EVALZ
Download  AD633-EVALZ Click to download

File Size   610.68 Kbytes
Page   16 Pages
Manufacturer  AD [Analog Devices]
Direct Link  http://www.analog.com
Logo AD - Analog Devices
Description Low Cost Analog Multiplier

AD633-EVALZ Datasheet (HTML) - Analog Devices

AD633-EVALZ Product details


The AD633 is a functionally complete, four-quadrant, analog multiplier. It includes high impedance, differential X and Y inputs, and a high impedance summing input (Z). The low impedance output voltage is a nominal 10 V full scale provided by a buried Zener. The AD633 is the first product to offer these features in modestly priced 8-lead PDIP and SOIC packages.


4-quadrant multiplication

Low cost, 8-lead SOIC and PDIP packages

Complete—no external components required

Laser-trimmed accuracy and stability

Total error within 2% of full scale

Differential high impedance X and Y inputs

High impedance unity-gain summing input

Laser-trimmed 10 V scaling reference


Multiplication, division, squaring

Modulation/demodulation, phase detection

Voltage-controlled amplifiers/attenuators/filters

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About Analog Devices

Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) is a publicly traded company that designs, develops, and manufactures high-performance analog, mixed-signal, and digital signal processing (DSP) integrated circuits (ICs).
The company was founded in 1965 and is headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts.
ADI serves a wide range of industries, including aerospace and defense, automotive, communications, consumer, industrial, medical, and test and measurement.
The company's product portfolio includes data converters, amplifiers and comparators, power management ICs, microcontrollers, sensors, and radio frequency (RF) and microwave components, among others.
ADI is dedicated to innovation and customer satisfaction, and is committed to providing its customers with high-quality, reliable solutions to meet their needs.
With a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability, ADI is a leader in the analog and mixed-signal IC industry, driving technological advancements and providing innovative solutions to the world's most challenging problems.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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