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UPD70F3201 Datasheet (PDF) - NEC

UPD70F3201 Datasheet PDF - NEC
Part # UPD70F3201
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File Size   797.1 Kbytes
Page   98 Pages
Manufacturer  NEC [NEC]
Direct Link  http://www.nec.com/
Logo NEC - NEC

UPD70F3201 Datasheet (PDF)

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UPD70F3201 Datasheet PDF - NEC

Part # UPD70F3201
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File Size   797.1 Kbytes
Page   98 Pages
Manufacturer  NEC [NEC]
Direct Link  http://www.nec.com/
Logo NEC - NEC

UPD70F3201 Datasheet (HTML) - NEC

UPD70F3201 Product details

The µPD703201, 703201Y, 70F3201, and 70F3201Y (V850ES/SA2), µPD703204, 703204Y, 70F3204, and 70F3204Y (V850ES/SA3) are products in the V850 FamilyTM of 32-bit single-chip microcontrollers, and include peripheral functions such as ROM/RAM, timer/counters, serial interfaces, an A/D converter, a D/A converter, and a DMA controller.
In addition to their high real-time responsiveness and one-clock-pitch execution of instructions, the V850ES/SA2 and V850ES/SA3 include instructions suited to digital servo control applications such as multiplication instructions executed via a hardware multiplier, saturation instructions, and bit manipulation instructions. As a real-time control system, this device provides a high-level cost performance ideal for ultra-low-power DVC and portable audio applications.

○ Number of instructions: 83
○ Minimum instruction execution time:
    59 ns (@ 17 MHz operation with main system clock (fXX))
    74 ns (@ 13.5 MHz operation with main system clock (fXX))
○ General-purpose registers: 32 bits × 32 registers
○ Instruction set:
    Signed multiplication, saturation operations, 32-bit
    shift instructions, bit manipulation instructions,
    load/store instructions
○ Memory space:
    64 MB linear address space
    Memory block division function:
    2 MB, 2 MB, 4 MB, 8 MB = Total four blocks
○ External bus interface: 16-bit data bus
    Address bus: Separate output enabled
○ Internal memory
    Mask ROM: 256 KB (µPD703201, 703201Y, 703204, 703204Y)
    Flash memory: 256 KB (µPD70F3201, 70F3201Y, 70F3204, 70F3204Y)
    RAM: 16 KB
○ Interrupts and exceptions
    Non-maskable interrupts: 2 sources
    Maskable interrupts:
        38 sources (µPD703201, 70F3201)
        39 sources (µPD703201Y, 70F3201Y)
        39 sources (µPD703204, 70F3204)
        40 sources (µPD703204Y, 70F3204Y)
    Software exceptions: 32 sources
    Exception trap: 1 source
○ I/O lines Total: 82 (V850ES/SA2)
                           102 (V850ES/SA3)
○ Timer/counters
    16-bit timer: 2 channels
    8-bit timer: 4 channels
○ Real-time counter (for watch): 1 channel
○ Watchdog timer: 1 channel
○ Serial interface (SIO)
    Asynchronous serial interface (UART): 2 channels
    Clocked serial interface (CSI):
        4 channels (V850ES/SA2),
        5 channels (V850ES/SA3)
    I2C bus interface: 1 channel
    (µPD703201Y, 703204Y, 70F3201Y, 70F3204Y)
○ A/D converter:
    10-bit resolution × 12 channels (V850ES/SA2)
    10-bit resolution × 16 channels (V850ES/SA3)
○ D/A converter: 8-bit resolution × 2 channels
○ DMA controller: 4 channels
○ Power save functions: HALT/IDLE/STOP/Backup modes
○ ROM correction: Four points can be corrected
○ Packages: 100-pin plastic LQFP (14 × 14)(V850ES/SA2)
                     121-pin plastic FBGA (12 × 12)(V850ES/SA3)

○ Low-power portable devices DVCs, portable audios

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About NEC

NEC Corporation is a Japanese multinational information technology and electronics company. The company was founded in 1899 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. NEC provides a wide range of products and services including information technology, telecommunications, and electronics. Its portfolio includes computer hardware, software, and services, network solutions, display solutions, and enterprise servers and storage solutions.

NEC is known for its expertise in the field of information technology and its ability to deliver innovative and high-quality products and services. The company has operations and facilities in various countries across the world and has a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region. NEC works closely with its customers to provide customized solutions that meet their specific requirements and needs.

In addition to its core business, NEC is also active in the fields of research and development, and is involved in various projects related to advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G networks, and the Internet of Things (IoT). NEC is committed to delivering sustainable solutions that support the development of society and improve the quality of life for people around the world.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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