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83910 Datasheet (PDF) Download - Belden Inc.

Part # 83910
Description  Type T Thermocouple, 1 Pr #20 Sol, FEP Ins Blu, Red, Brn FEP Jkt, 300V CL3P 200C PLTC SUN RES
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Manufacturer  BELDEN [Belden Inc.]
Direct Link  https://www.belden.com/
Logo BELDEN - Belden Inc.

83910 Datasheet (PDF) - Belden Inc.

83910 : Type T Thermocouple, 1 Pr #20 Sol, FEP Ins Blu, Red, Brn FEP Jkt, 300V CL3P 200C PLTC SUN RES
Belden Inc.

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