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VIDEO Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'VIDEO' - Total: 2 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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Soshin electric Co., Lt...
CLP6MHZ-2785 Datasheet pdf image
For Video Input/Output
CLP3MHZ-2786 Datasheet pdf image
For Video Input/Output



What is VIDEO

In electronic components, VIDEO means components used for video signal processing.

Video signals are commonly used to transmit video images produced by cameras, televisions, monitors, etc.

VIDEO components are used to process or convert these video signals.

VIDEO parts include various types of parts for processing video signals.

For example, a video amplifier to amplify or distribute video signals, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to convert video signals to digital signals, and a video interface to use video signals in a computer or other digital device. there is.

VIDEO components also support a variety of technologies and standards used to process video signals.

For example, video interfaces such as High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), DisplayPort, Video Graphics Array (VGA), Composite Video, and Component Video, as well as National Television System Committee (NTSC), Phase Alternating Line (PAL), Séquentiel (SECAM) There are VIDEO parts that support video formats such as couleur à mémoire).

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