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SYSTEM Datasheet, PDF

KEC(Korea Electronics)(17)Kemet Corporation(18)Kendall Howard(1)Keysight Technologies(44)Kingston Technology Far East Co. Ltd(5)KISTLER INSTRUMENT CORPORATION(1)KODENSHI_AUK CORP.(9)Laird Tech Smart Technology(11)Lanner All Rights Reserved.(3)LANSDALE Semiconductor Inc.(2)LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd.(1)Lattice Semiconductor(88)Level One(1)LG Semicon Co.,Ltd.(1)Linear Dimensions Semiconductor(2)Linear Integrated Systems(2)Linear Technology(97)LinkCom Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(1)Linx Technologies(18)List of Unclassifed Manufacturers(43)List of Unclassifed Manufacturers(158)Littelfuse(9)Logic Fruit Technologies(2)LSI Computer Systems(2)Lumileds Lighting Company(5)Lumins Inc.(1)M-System Co.,Ltd.(19)M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.(1)Macronix International(1)Mallory performance club(9)Mantra Softech India Pvt Ltd. All Rights Reserved.(1)Maxim Integrated Products(117)Mean Well Enterprises Co., Ltd.(7)Melexis Microelectronic Systems(2)MERITEK ELECTRONICS CORPORATION(1)METZ CONNECT GmbH(1)Micrel Semiconductor(3)Micro Analog systems(2)Microchip Technology(17)Micron Technology(2)Microsemi Corporation(14)Mitel Networks Corporation(4)Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor(63)Mitsumi Electronics, Corp.(48)MKS Instruments.(9)Molex Electronics Ltd.(52)Molex Electronics Ltd.(48)Molex Electronics Ltd.(3)Molex Electronics Ltd.(21)Molex Electronics Ltd.(3)Molex Electronics Ltd.(197)Molex Electronics Ltd.(2)Molex Electronics Ltd.(288)Molex Electronics Ltd.(36)Monolithic Power Systems(5)MotionKing Motor Industry Co.,Ltd.(1)Motorola, Inc(24)Moxa Inc.(4)MTRONPTI(3)Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(1)National Instruments Corporation(1)National Semiconductor (TI)(114)NEC(22)NETAPP(1)Neutrik AG(5)New Japan Radio(16)New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc.(1)NICHIA CORPORATION(3)NIHON DEMPA KOGYO(1)Nippon Precision Circuits Inc(4)Nordic Semiconductor(2)Norgren Ltd(17)Nova Electric. All Rights Reserved.(2)NTE Electronics(48)Nuvoton Technology Corporation(3)NXP Semiconductors(73)NXP Semiconductors(63)Ohmite Mfg. Co.(2)OKI electronic componets(7)OmniVision Technologies, Inc.(2)Omron Electronics LLC(19)ON Semiconductor(108)Oscilent Corporation(1)OSRAM GmbH(1)
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What is SYSTEM

In electronics, SYSTEM usually refers to the hardware and software of an electronic control system.

In an electronic system, several electronic components are interconnected to perform a single function.

Electronic systems can serve a variety of purposes, and these systems are designed for specific purposes.

For example, automotive electronic systems are used to improve vehicle performance and safety, and medical electronic systems are used to monitor and diagnose patients' health conditions.

Because electronic systems are controlled by the interaction of various electronic components, the design of the system is very important.

To this end, electronic system designers configure systems by considering the performance and interaction of electronic components, and software developers implement system functions by interacting with hardware.

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