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Searched Keyword : 'RECEPTACLE' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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Hubbell Incorporated.
HBL2620ST Datasheet pdf image
30A, 250V, 2 Pole, 3 Wire Grounding Spring Termination Single Flush Receptacle




In electronic components, a receptacle refers to a hole or connector that can connect a plug or connector that can be connected to other parts or equipment.

Receptacles are commonly used in electronic components to provide output or receive input from other components.

In electronic components, receptacles come in many forms.

A common shape is a hole in the shape of a round or square, through which a power cable or data cable can be connected.

Receptacle also refers to a port that provides an output from a part.

These ports can pass power or data signals to other parts or equipment.

Receptacles are one of the most important components in electronic components.

To connect with other parts or equipment, receptacles of the correct shape and size must be used, which is necessary to ensure electrical safety and signal stability.

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