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PLATING Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'PLATING' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
Company Logo Img
Infineon Technologies A...
BSG0810NDI Datasheet pdf image
Pb-free lead plating; RoHS compliant
Rev.2.0.1 2015-08-21




Electronic component plating plays an important role in the manufacturing process of electronic components.

Plating is used to improve the appearance of electronic components or improve their electronic performance.

For example, plating is used to prevent corrosion and improve durability.

Plating is also used to improve electrical resistance and electrical conductivity.

These platings can be applied to connecting pins, pads, cases, and other parts of electronic components.

The types of plating used in electronic components include gold, silver, nickel, and copper.

Among them, gold plating is the most used and widely used because of its excellent corrosion resistance and electrical performance.

The types and application methods of plating for electronic parts vary depending on the purpose of the part, device composition, and usage environment.

Therefore, during electronic component manufacturing, efforts are made to ensure optimum performance and durability by selecting the appropriate plating method.

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