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MOS Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'MOS' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
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Sipex Corporation
STP4N40 Datasheet pdf image



What is MOS

MOS is an abbreviation of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor and is a type of semiconductor element as one of electronic parts.

MOS is one of the most common devices in the modern semiconductor industry due to its low power consumption, high density integrated circuits, high stability and many other advantages.

MOS is commonly used in field effect transistors, also called MOSFETs (charge-blocking-field-devices).

MOSFETs are used to control the flow of charge and amplify voltage using MOS technology.

MOS is also very important in integrated circuit technology.

In integrated circuits, MOS is used to perform various functions, and through this, high-density and high-performance integrated circuits can be realized.

MOS is widely used in modern electronic products, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, LCD monitors, and LED lighting.

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