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MODULE Datasheet, PDF

KEC(Korea Electronics)(8)Kemet Corporation(2)Kersemi Electronic Co., Ltd.(3)Keysight Technologies(20)Kingston Technology Far East Co. Ltd(19)KODENSHI_AUK CORP.(106)KR Electronics, Inc.(2)Kyocera Kinseki Corpotation(107)Laird Tech Smart Technology(23)Lanner All Rights Reserved.(20)Lapp.(4)Leopard Imaging Inc.(17)Level One(1)LG Semicon Co.,Ltd.(1)Lineage Power Corporation(2)Linear Dimensions Semiconductor(3)Linear Integrated Systems(1)Linear Technology(219)LinkCom Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(56)Linx Technologies(34)List of Unclassifed Manufacturers(255)List of Unclassifed Manufacturers(754)Littelfuse(44)LOGIC Devices Incorporated(10)Lorlin Electronics Ltd.(9)LUMEX INC.(124)Lumileds Lighting Company(5)Lumins Inc.(2)M-System Co.,Ltd.(370)M.S. Kennedy Corporation(11)M/A-COM Technology Solutions, Inc.(56)MacMic(408)MagnaChip Semiconductor.(25)Mallory performance club(15)Marktech Corporate(1)Maxim Integrated Products(90)Maxwell Technologies(10)Mean Well Enterprises Co., Ltd.(22)Meder Electronic(36)METZ CONNECT GmbH(6)MICORO CRYSTAL SWITZERLAND(41)Micrel Semiconductor(21)Micro Commercial Components(12)Micro Electronics(2)Microchip Technology(117)Micron Technology(14)MicroPower Direct, LLC(2)Microsemi Corporation(973)Micross Components(201)Microtune,Inc(1)Mimix Broadband(3)Mini-Circuits(2)Minmax Technology Co., Ltd.(25)Mitel Networks Corporation(2)Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductor(211)Mitsumi Electronics, Corp.(13)Molex Electronics Ltd.(318)Molex Electronics Ltd.(340)Molex Electronics Ltd.(2)Molex Electronics Ltd.(33)Molex Electronics Ltd.(237)Molex Electronics Ltd.(326)Molex Electronics Ltd.(513)Monolithic Power Systems(45)MORNSUN Science& Technology Ltd.(23)MOSAIC(13)Mosel Vitelic, Corp(45)Motorola, Inc(104)MPS Industries, Inc.(20)MRV Communications, Inc.(35)MTRONPTI(1)MTU Onsite Energy Corporation(5)Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd(14)Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(86)Murata Power Solutions Inc.(2)Naina Semiconductor ltd.(118)National Instruments Corporation(24)National Semiconductor (TI)(49)NEC(107)Nel Frequency Controls,inc(1)Nell Semiconductor Co., Ltd(45)Neutrik AG(7)New Japan Radio(3)New Jersey Semi-Conductor Products, Inc.(3)New Scale Technologies, Inc.(2)Newhaven Display International, Inc.(570)NHP Electrical Engineering Products(125)NICHIA CORPORATION(24)NIHON DEMPA KOGYO(4)Nihon Inter Electronics Corporation(325)Ningbo Foryard Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.(11)Nippon Precision Circuits Inc(47)NTE Electronics(88)NXP Semiconductors(126)NXP Semiconductors(75)OKI electronic componets(131)OmniVision Technologies, Inc.(2)Omron Electronics LLC(4)ON Semiconductor(296)OPLINK Communications Inc.(12)OPTEK Technologies(3)Opto Electronics Co,. LTD(34)OptoSupply International(66)Optoway Technology Inc(18)OPTREX CORPORATION(56)ORION FANS(4)OSRAM GmbH(1)
Searched Keyword : 'MODULE' - Total: 2 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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20362 Datasheet pdf image
T1/E1 Octal 75/120 Ohm Matching Transformer Module
TFG-100A Datasheet pdf image
TFG 10/100 Base-T Single Port Transformer Module



What is MODULE

A module is a component or unit of a larger system that performs a specific function or set of functions.

In the context of electronics, a module refers to a compact, self-contained unit that can be used to add specific functionality to a larger system.

For example, a computer system might use various modules to add additional storage, network connectivity, or other features.

Modules are designed to be integrated into larger systems, and typically interface with the rest of the system through standardized interfaces.

This allows for easy integration, replacement, and upgrading of the module as needed.

In summary, a module is a component or unit of a larger system that performs a specific function or set of functions, and is designed to be integrated into larger systems through standardized interfaces.

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