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HDMI Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'HDMI' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
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Sanyo Semicon Device
LV5099CB Datasheet pdf image
For HDMI controller Charge pump power supply



What is HDMI

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a standard interface used to transmit digital video and audio signals. HDMI transmits high-resolution video and audio signals in digital format, allowing you to connect TVs, monitors, projectors, and other multimedia devices with computers, laptops, DVD players, game consoles, and more.

The HDMI interface can transmit high-quality audio and video signals, supporting high resolution, high-quality sound, multi-channel audio, 3D video, etc. Additionally, HDMI provides a variety of security features to protect digital content, including Digital Rights Management.

HDMI is commonly used in a variety of electronic appliances and devices, including TVs, monitors, projectors, laptops, desktop computers, digital cameras, DVD players, and game consoles. It is considered a convenient solution for transmitting high-definition video and audio and connecting various multimedia devices. HDMI also offers higher bandwidth, providing better picture quality and clarity, providing users with a superior audio and video experience.

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