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FUSE Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'FUSE' - Total: 13 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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UN Semiconducctor INC
TMOV32D Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision March 1,2022
20D471KT Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2013
14D471KTB Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2018
TMOV20D Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision March 1,2022
TMOV34S Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision March 1,2022
14D511KT Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2013
TMOV14D Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision March 1,2022
14D561KTB Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2018
32D511KTA Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2018
TFMOV15S Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision March 1,2022
14D471KT Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2013
14D391KT Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision December 18, 2013
TMOV25D Datasheet pdf image
Thermal Fuse & MOV (TFMOV)
Revision March 1,2022



What is FUSE

A fuse is an electrical safety device that is used to protect electrical systems and components from damage caused by excess current.

It is a device that contains a metal wire or filament that melts and opens the circuit when the current exceeds a specified limit.

This helps to prevent electrical fires and other hazards that can occur when there is an excessive current flow in an electrical circuit.

Fuses come in various types and sizes, and are selected based on the current rating and the type of application.

For example, slow-blow fuses are used for applications where temporary current spikes are expected, while fast-acting fuses are used for applications where a rapid response to an overcurrent is required.

In general, fuses provide a simple and effective way to protect electrical systems and components from damage caused by overcurrents, and are an important part of many electrical safety systems.

*This information is for general informational purposes only, we will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by the above information.

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