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Searched Keyword : 'ELECTRICALLY' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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Cree, Inc
MLBAWT-A1-0000-000W51 Datasheet pdf image
XLamp ML-B LEDs ANSI-compatible sub-bins Electrically neutral thermal path




In electronic parts, 'Electrically' is a term that means to act or operate electrically or in an electrical way. This term is used to describe how an electronic component works or a specific function.

For example, Electrically controlled switch means an electrically controlled switch, which can be used to open or close the action of the switch using an electrical signal. Electrically isolated also means electrically isolated, indicating that there is no electrical contact between two circuits or components.

In electronic parts, 'Electrically' is used as a term emphasizing things directly related to electrical characteristics or operation methods. It indicates that a component or system responds to electrical energy or is used to process, convert, or transmit electrical signals, and is one of the important concepts in the design of various electronic components or systems.

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