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Searched Keyword : 'DIMENSIONS' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
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Wurth Elektronik GmbH &...
7490100111 Datasheet pdf image
This drawing is dual dimensioned. dimensions in brackets are in millimeters.




Dimensions is a term referring to the dimensions of parts in electronic components.

Electronic components come in a variety of sizes and shapes, typically with dimensions such as length, width, height or diameter.

For example, the size of a resistor usually has three dimensions: length, width, and height.

Capacitance can be expressed by the size of the capacitor, i.e. diameter and height, or by the capacitance being measured.

Semiconductor devices, particularly those like transistors, come in many shapes and sizes, often described by dimensions such as length, width, and height.

The size of electronic components plays an important role in circuit design. Oversized components increase the size of the circuit, increasing design and production costs, and can degrade performance.

On the other hand, parts that are too small can be difficult to assemble, can be damaged during handling and handling, and can affect product life and reliability.

Therefore, the size of electronic components is one of the important factors designers must consider.

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