In electronic components, DARLINGTON refers to one of the structures of bipolar transistors used for power amplification.
The DARLINGTON structure is a structure in which two bipolar transistors are coupled together, and has a higher amplification efficiency than a single bipolar transistor.
DARLINGTON structures are mostly constructed using NPN transistors, combining two transistors in series with each other.
At this time, it has a structure in which the collector of one transistor and the base of another transistor are connected.
This structure provides high current amplification and can generate a large output signal for a small input signal.
The DARLINGTON structure is used in a variety of power amplifier circuits.
For example, it can be used in motor control, LED drive, speaker output, etc.
Since most of these circuits handle high voltage and high current, the DARLINGTON structure is used to increase power amplification efficiency and improve stability.
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