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CLOCK Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'CLOCK' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
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Tyco Electronics
DS92CK16TMTCX Datasheet pdf image
DS92CK16 3V BLVDS 1 to 6 Clock Buffer/Bus Transceiver



What is CLOCK

CLOCK means a part that generates or processes a clock signal in an electronic part.

The clock signal is one of the most important signals in digital circuits.

A clock signal is a signal that specifies when a circuit should operate, and is used to control the speed and synchronization of a circuit's operation.

Clocks have a variety of uses in electronic devices. For example, in a computer, the CPU and other components must be synchronized as they operate, so they generate clock signals on the system bus.

In addition, digital signal processing devices that process digital signals use clock signals to sample digital signals or generate digital signals.

Clocks are classified into different types based on factors such as frequency, duty cycle, rise/fall time, accuracy, and stability.

Therefore, when selecting a clock on an electronic component, it is important to select an appropriate clock that meets the requirements of the circuit in question.

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