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CERAMIC Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'CERAMIC' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
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Endress+Hauser Group Se...
TI01133P Datasheet pdf image
Pressure transducer with ceramic and metal sensors




In electronic components, Ceramic is generally used to create a variety of capacitors (electric capacity) or substrate (substrate).

Ceramic capacitors have a small size and high electrical capacity and have stable performance at high frequencies.

CERAMIC Substrate is used to form a joint or circuit of electronic components, especially for stable signaling in high frequency or high -power applications.

Ceramic electronic components are used in various fields because they have the advantages of small size, high durability, stable performance, and excellent performance at high temperatures.

It is especially used in mobile devices such as mobile phones, computers, tablets, digital cameras, and TVs.

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