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BITS Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'BITS' - Total: 8 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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National Instruments Co...
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8 analog inputs at 12 or 14 bits,up to 48 kS/s
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Expandable PXI bundle based on PXIe-5110 Oscilloscope, 100 MHz, 8 bits, 2 Channels, 512 MB
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Expandable PXI bundle based on PXIe-5413 AWG, 20MHz, 16 bits, 800 MS/s, 1 Channel
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Expandable PXI bundle based on PXIe-5423 AWG, 40MHz, 16 bits, 800 MS/s, 2 Channels
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Expandable PXI bundle based on PXIe-5105 Oscilloscope, 60 MHz, 12 bits, 8 Channels, 128 MB
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Expandable PXI bundle based on PXIe-5172 Oscilloscope, 100 MHz, 14 bits, 8 Channels, 1.5 GB
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High-Speed Voltage Output - up to 1 MS/s/Channel,up to 16 Bits, up to 32 Channels



What is BITS

In electronic components, BITS is a term that has several meanings.

Most commonly used as an acronym for Binary digITs, it represents the smallest unit of information in computer science or digital communications. Each bit can have a value of 0 or 1.

BITS can also be used to mean:

Binary Unit: BITS is the smallest unit used to represent digital information.

In a computer, all kinds of information, such as data, instructions, images, and music, are represented by BITS. 8 BITS are gathered to form 1 byte.

Bit rate: BITS is also used in digital communications as a unit of data transmission rate.

In telecommunications systems, the number of bits transmitted per second is expressed as BITS per second (BPS), or more commonly bps. For example, 1 Mbps (Megabits per second) represents the transfer rate of one million bits in one second.

Universal Test System: BITS can also be used as an abbreviation for Built-In Test System.

This refers to a built-in self-test system for testing and diagnosing electronic systems. It is used to evaluate the reliability and performance of electronic components or devices.

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