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ARRAY Datasheet, PDF

Searched Keyword : 'ARRAY' - Total: 1 (1/1) Pages
ManufacturerPart #DatasheetDescription
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Diotec Semiconductor
BAV99 Datasheet pdf image
Diode Array 1 Pair Series Connection 75 V 215mA Surface Mount TO-236-3, SC-59, SOT-23-3
Version 2022-02-07



What is ARRAY

Array in electronic components refers to a collection of several identical parts or parts with functions in one package.

For example, integrated circuits (ICs) or resistors, which are semiconductor devices, are provided in the form of an array.

Arrays can be offered in smaller sizes than traditional discrete parts, saving space and increasing design efficiency.

Also, if you need to use multiple identical parts, use Array to simplify the design process and reduce mistakes.

There are various types of arrays, and each array has a different configuration depending on the type and function of parts.

Therefore, when selecting parts, it is necessary to understand the composition and function of the array well before making a selection.

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