Board-to-Board is a term used in the field of electronic components to describe the connection between two or more boards or PCBs (Boards).
This term refers to the connection method used to pass signals between boards, supply power, exchange data, etc.
Board-to-board connectivity plays an important role in many electronic devices and systems. It is typically used for the following purposes:
Signal Passing: Board-to-Board connections are used to pass signals between multiple boards.
This can include data, control signals, clock signals, and more. Signal transmission between boards is essential to the operation of the system, allowing each board to interact and exchange data.
Power Delivery: Board-to-Board connections can be used to supply power from one board to another.
The power wires, contacts, and connectors necessary to supply power are configured through board-to-board connections.
Functionality Expansion and Modularization: Board-to-Board connectivity can be used to expand and modularize functions.
Various boards can be connected to expand the functionality of the system, or modules can be added or replaced as needed. This provides greater flexibility and scalability.
Board-to-Board connections can be implemented in a variety of ways, including connectors, pin headers, ribbon cables, and compressors.
The connection method is determined by the design and requirements of the electronic device, and is selected considering reliability, electrical characteristics, and signal integrity.
In summary, Board-to-Board is a term referring to the connection between two or more boards in electronic devices, and is used for signal transmission, power supply, and function expansion.
It is an important element that provides interconnectivity and functionality in electronic devices.
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