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VB025MSP Datasheet with Chat AI
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  • Example questions: 1. What is the primary coil voltage internally set to in the VB025SP high voltage ignition coil driver?
    2. What is the driving current in the VB025SP quasi proportional to?
    3. What type of package is the VB025SP power IC?

  • Part No.VB025MSP
    Size129 Kbytes
    Pages7 pages
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The VB025SP is a high voltage ignition coil driver power IC made using STMicroelectronics VIPower Technology.
    It has built-in protection circuits for coil current limiting and collector voltage clamping, making it suitable for use in advanced electronic ignition systems.
    The IC is designed to be logic level compatible and has a driving current that is quasi-proportional to the collector current.
    It is capable of driving a high energy electronic ignition coil and has a primary coil voltage and coil current limit that are internally set.
    The IC can withstand transients of the battery line and has a single flag-on coil current.
    It is a smart, high voltage, high current interface for electronic ignition systems.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The VB025SP is a high voltage ignition coil driver power IC made using STMicroelectronics VIPower Technology.
    It has built-in protection circuits for coil current limiting and collector voltage clamping, making it suitable for use in advanced electronic ignition systems.
    The IC is designed to be logic level compatible and has a driving current that is quasi-proportional to the collector current.
    It is capable of driving a high energy electronic ignition coil and has a primary coil voltage and coil current limit that are internally set.
    The IC can withstand transients of the battery line and has a single flag-on coil current.
    It is a smart, high voltage, high current interface for electronic ignition systems.

    Part No.VB025MSP
    Size129 Kbytes
    Pages7 pages
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