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IPD06N03L Datasheet with Chat AI
Part No.IPD06N03L
Size158 Kbytes
Pages8 pages
DescriptionOptiMOS Buck converter series
Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides a product summary for the IPD06N03L OptiMOS Buck converter series.
It includes details such as maximum ratings, thermal characteristics, electrical characteristics, dynamic characteristics, and warnings.
The product is an N-Channel, Logic Level, low on-resistance RDS(on) with a VDS of 30V, RDS(on) of 5.9 mΩ, and ID of 50A.
It is ideal for fast switching buck converters and is designed for a 175°C operating temperature.
The document also includes information on thermal resistance, gate charge characteristics, and safe operating area.
Additionally, it provides contact information for Infineon Technologies and includes warnings about the use of the components in life-support devices.

Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides a product summary for the IPD06N03L OptiMOS Buck converter series.
It includes details such as maximum ratings, thermal characteristics, electrical characteristics, dynamic characteristics, and warnings.
The product is an N-Channel, Logic Level, low on-resistance RDS(on) with a VDS of 30V, RDS(on) of 5.9 mΩ, and ID of 50A.
It is ideal for fast switching buck converters and is designed for a 175°C operating temperature.
The document also includes information on thermal resistance, gate charge characteristics, and safe operating area.
Additionally, it provides contact information for Infineon Technologies and includes warnings about the use of the components in life-support devices.

Part No.IPD06N03L
Size158 Kbytes
Pages8 pages
DescriptionOptiMOS Buck converter series
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