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R1QKA3618CBG Datasheet with Chat AI
Part No.R1QKA3618CBG
Size308 Kbytes
Pages38 pages
Description36-Mbit QDRII+ SRAM 4-word Burst
Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides detailed technical specifications for the R1Q #A3636 and R1Q #A3618 synchronous quad data rate static RAM.
It includes information on features such as power supply, clock cycle time, I/O ports, burst length, latency, frequency, and package size.
The document also includes a part number definition table and a lineup of supported products.
Additionally, it provides notes on the QDR RAMs and Quad Data Rate RAMs, as well as a disclaimer that the specifications of the device are subject to change without notice.

Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides detailed technical specifications for the R1Q #A3636 and R1Q #A3618 synchronous quad data rate static RAM.
It includes information on features such as power supply, clock cycle time, I/O ports, burst length, latency, frequency, and package size.
The document also includes a part number definition table and a lineup of supported products.
Additionally, it provides notes on the QDR RAMs and Quad Data Rate RAMs, as well as a disclaimer that the specifications of the device are subject to change without notice.

Part No.R1QKA3618CBG
Size308 Kbytes
Pages38 pages
Description36-Mbit QDRII+ SRAM 4-word Burst
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