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FDC37C78-HT Datasheet with Chat AI
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  • Example questions: 1. What are some of the features of the FDC37C78 Floppy Disk Controller mentioned in the PDF?
    2. How many floppy drives does the FDC37C78 Floppy Disk Controller support directly?
    3. What are the different data rates available for the Enhanced Digital Data Separator of the FDC37C78 Floppy Disk Controller?

  • Part No.FDC37C78-HT
    Size345 Kbytes
    Pages82 pages
    DescriptionFloppy Disk Controller
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The FDC37C78 Floppy Disk Controller is a 3.3/5 volt operation controller that supports two floppy drives directly and is 100% IBM compatible.
    It features intelligent auto power management, a 16 byte data FIFO, and enhanced digital data separator.
    The controller also incorporates sophisticated power control circuitry and software configurable logic for ease of use.
    It has various pin functions for the host processor interface, floppy disk interface, and miscellaneous functions.
    The controller contains internal registers for configuration, floppy disk control, and data and control.
    The FDC37C78 is optimized for motherboard applications and is compatible with SMSC's proprietary 82077AA core.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The FDC37C78 Floppy Disk Controller is a 3.3/5 volt operation controller that supports two floppy drives directly and is 100% IBM compatible.
    It features intelligent auto power management, a 16 byte data FIFO, and enhanced digital data separator.
    The controller also incorporates sophisticated power control circuitry and software configurable logic for ease of use.
    It has various pin functions for the host processor interface, floppy disk interface, and miscellaneous functions.
    The controller contains internal registers for configuration, floppy disk control, and data and control.
    The FDC37C78 is optimized for motherboard applications and is compatible with SMSC's proprietary 82077AA core.

    Part No.FDC37C78-HT
    Size345 Kbytes
    Pages82 pages
    DescriptionFloppy Disk Controller
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