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MKP1839HQ Datasheet with Chat AI
Part No.MKP1839HQ
Size126 Kbytes
Pages12 pages
DescriptionAC and Pulse Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors MKP Axial Type
Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides detailed technical specifications for Vishay Roederstein MKP 1839 HQ AC and Pulse Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors.
It includes information on the applications, reference standards, marking, dielectric, electrodes, construction, rated voltage, encapsulation, climatic testing class, capacitance range, capacitance tolerance, leads, rated temperature, maximum application temperature, pull test on leads, bent test on leads, reliability, and specific reference data.
It also includes information on the composition of the catalog number, capacitance, voltage code, dimensions, mounting, storage temperature, and ratings and characteristics reference conditions.
The document also includes characteristics such as capacitance as a function of ambient temperature, tangent of loss angle as a function of frequency, impedance as a function of frequency, and max DC and AC voltage as a function of temperature.
It also includes information on max RMS voltage as a function of frequency and temperature for different voltage codes.

Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides detailed technical specifications for Vishay Roederstein MKP 1839 HQ AC and Pulse Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors.
It includes information on the applications, reference standards, marking, dielectric, electrodes, construction, rated voltage, encapsulation, climatic testing class, capacitance range, capacitance tolerance, leads, rated temperature, maximum application temperature, pull test on leads, bent test on leads, reliability, and specific reference data.
It also includes information on the composition of the catalog number, capacitance, voltage code, dimensions, mounting, storage temperature, and ratings and characteristics reference conditions.
The document also includes characteristics such as capacitance as a function of ambient temperature, tangent of loss angle as a function of frequency, impedance as a function of frequency, and max DC and AC voltage as a function of temperature.
It also includes information on max RMS voltage as a function of frequency and temperature for different voltage codes.

Part No.MKP1839HQ
Size126 Kbytes
Pages12 pages
DescriptionAC and Pulse Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors MKP Axial Type
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