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STN3NE06L Datasheet with Chat AI
Part No.STN3NE06L
Size64 Kbytes
Pages5 pages
DescriptionN - CHANNEL 60V - 0.10 ohm - 3A - SOT-223 STripFETO POWER MOSFET
Datasheet Summary with AI

The STN3NE06L is an N-channel 60V power MOSFET with a typical RDS(on) of 0.10 Ω and exceptional dv/dt capability.
It is designed for applications such as DC motor control, DC-DC & DC-AC converters, and synchronous rectification.
The MOSFET features avalanche rugged technology and has been 100% avalanche tested.
It has a maximum drain-source voltage of 60V and a maximum continuous drain current of 3A.
The device also has thermal resistance and avalanche characteristics.
The electrical characteristics include parameters for off, on, dynamic, switching, and source-drain diode.
The MOSFET is designed for high packing density, low on-resistance, and manufacturing reproducibility.

Datasheet Summary with AI

The STN3NE06L is an N-channel 60V power MOSFET with a typical RDS(on) of 0.10 Ω and exceptional dv/dt capability.
It is designed for applications such as DC motor control, DC-DC & DC-AC converters, and synchronous rectification.
The MOSFET features avalanche rugged technology and has been 100% avalanche tested.
It has a maximum drain-source voltage of 60V and a maximum continuous drain current of 3A.
The device also has thermal resistance and avalanche characteristics.
The electrical characteristics include parameters for off, on, dynamic, switching, and source-drain diode.
The MOSFET is designed for high packing density, low on-resistance, and manufacturing reproducibility.

Part No.STN3NE06L
Size64 Kbytes
Pages5 pages
DescriptionN - CHANNEL 60V - 0.10 ohm - 3A - SOT-223 STripFETO POWER MOSFET
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