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M58CR032C Datasheet with Chat AI
Part No.M58CR032C
Size435 Kbytes
Pages63 pages
Description32 Mbit 2Mb x 16, Dual Bank, Burst 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides preliminary information on a new product, the M58CR032C and M58CR032D 32 Mbit flash memory, which is currently in development or undergoing evaluation.
The product features a 1.8V supply voltage, synchronous/asynchronous read capabilities, fast programming, dual bank memory array, dual operations, block locking, security features, common flash interface, and 100,000 program/erase cycles per block.
The document also includes a summary description, logic diagram, signal names, TFBGA connections, bank architecture, memory map, security block and protection register memory map, signal descriptions, bus operations, and burst configuration register.

Datasheet Summary with AI

The document provides preliminary information on a new product, the M58CR032C and M58CR032D 32 Mbit flash memory, which is currently in development or undergoing evaluation.
The product features a 1.8V supply voltage, synchronous/asynchronous read capabilities, fast programming, dual bank memory array, dual operations, block locking, security features, common flash interface, and 100,000 program/erase cycles per block.
The document also includes a summary description, logic diagram, signal names, TFBGA connections, bank architecture, memory map, security block and protection register memory map, signal descriptions, bus operations, and burst configuration register.

Part No.M58CR032C
Size435 Kbytes
Pages63 pages
Description32 Mbit 2Mb x 16, Dual Bank, Burst 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
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