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LB-1608-T4R7MK Datasheet with Chat AI
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  • Part No.LB-1608-T4R7MK
    Size408 Kbytes
    Pages32 pages
    DescriptionSurface Mount Ferrite Products
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document is a catalog of various types of chip inductors and ferrite chip beads offered by KEMET Electronics Corporation.
    It includes information on different case sizes, types, and series of wire wound chip inductors, multilayer chip inductors for high frequency, low profile SMD inductors, high current ferrite chip beads, high impedance type ferrite chip beads, and multilayer ferrite chip beads.
    Each section provides details on the specific series and case sizes available for each type of inductor or bead.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document is a catalog of various types of chip inductors and ferrite chip beads offered by KEMET Electronics Corporation.
    It includes information on different case sizes, types, and series of wire wound chip inductors, multilayer chip inductors for high frequency, low profile SMD inductors, high current ferrite chip beads, high impedance type ferrite chip beads, and multilayer ferrite chip beads.
    Each section provides details on the specific series and case sizes available for each type of inductor or bead.

    Part No.LB-1608-T4R7MK
    Size408 Kbytes
    Pages32 pages
    DescriptionSurface Mount Ferrite Products
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