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SN74LS04N Datasheet with Chat AI
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  • Example questions: 1. What is the supply voltage range for the SN74LS04 semiconductor component?
    2. What is the operating ambient temperature range for the SN74LS04 semiconductor component?
    3. How many units come in a box for the SN74LS04N 14 Pin DIP package?

  • Part No.SN74LS04N
    Size72 Kbytes
    Pages4 pages
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document is a datasheet for the SN74LS04, a hex inverter IC manufactured by Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC.
    It provides information on the device's operating ranges, package dimensions, ordering information, DC and AC characteristics, and publication ordering information.
    The document also includes contact information for ON Semiconductor's literature fulfillment centers and technical support in North America, Asia/Pacific, Japan, and Europe.
    Additionally, it includes disclaimers regarding the use of the product and the company's liability.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The document is a datasheet for the SN74LS04, a hex inverter IC manufactured by Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC.
    It provides information on the device's operating ranges, package dimensions, ordering information, DC and AC characteristics, and publication ordering information.
    The document also includes contact information for ON Semiconductor's literature fulfillment centers and technical support in North America, Asia/Pacific, Japan, and Europe.
    Additionally, it includes disclaimers regarding the use of the product and the company's liability.

    Part No.SN74LS04N
    Size72 Kbytes
    Pages4 pages
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