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MC14094 Datasheet with Chat AI
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    Hello, Please ask a question about MC14094 Datasheet

  • Example questions: 1. What is the purpose of the MC14094B?
    2. How many stages does the shift register in the MC14094B have?
    3. What is the maximum supply voltage range for the MC14094B?

  • Part No.MC14094
    Size232 Kbytes
    Pages8 pages
    Description8-Stage Shift/Store Register with Three-State Outputs
    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The MC14094B is an 8-stage shift register with a data latch for each stage and a three-state output from each latch.
    Data is shifted on the positive clock transition and is shifted from the seventh stage to two serial outputs.
    The device is capable of driving two low-power TTL loads or one low-power Schottky TTL load over the rated temperature range.
    It also contains input diode protection and is useful for serial-to-parallel data conversion.
    The device has maximum ratings for supply voltage range, input or output voltage range, input or output current, power dissipation, ambient temperature range, storage temperature range, and lead temperature.
    The device package and shipping information is also provided.
    The pin assignment and marking diagrams are included, as well as the truth table for the device.

    Datasheet Summary with AI

    The MC14094B is an 8-stage shift register with a data latch for each stage and a three-state output from each latch.
    Data is shifted on the positive clock transition and is shifted from the seventh stage to two serial outputs.
    The device is capable of driving two low-power TTL loads or one low-power Schottky TTL load over the rated temperature range.
    It also contains input diode protection and is useful for serial-to-parallel data conversion.
    The device has maximum ratings for supply voltage range, input or output voltage range, input or output current, power dissipation, ambient temperature range, storage temperature range, and lead temperature.
    The device package and shipping information is also provided.
    The pin assignment and marking diagrams are included, as well as the truth table for the device.

    Part No.MC14094
    Size232 Kbytes
    Pages8 pages
    Description8-Stage Shift/Store Register with Three-State Outputs
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